Wear your retainers full time for the first six months after treatment and every night for the second six months until the doctor instructs otherwise. This is to ensure that maximum stability of the final result is achieved and that the teeth remain aligned.
Retainers are for a lifetime!
To ensure that the alignment of the teeth lasts a lifetime, retainers must always be worn (although not necessarily during the daytime and not every night) indefinitely. We emphasize consistent wear right after appliance removal because that is when teeth are least-stable. Over time wear can be tapered but retainers should always be worn so that they fit loosely. Retainers are the only insurance that straight teeth will remain that way over time!
Take your retainers out when eating…and always put retainers in their case! We often use the catch-phrase, “When they are not in your face, they are in your case!” for a reason. Remember and stick to this catchy reminder.
Clean retainers thoroughly once a day with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Never use hot water. Brushing retainers removes the plaque, and eliminates odors. Retainer-Brite or other orthodontic appliance cleaners can be used, but do not take the place of brushing.
Initially, you may find it difficult to speak. Practice speaking, reading, or singing out loud to get used to them faster.
Retainers are breakable, so treat them with care. Do not attempt to adjust them yourself. Do not put them in hot water or use industrial detergents to clean them. If retainers are lost or broken call us immediately.
- Always bring your retainers to your retention visits.
- Retainer replacement is expensive, but with proper care they will last for years!
If you have any questions or concerns about your retainers, or your retainers need adjusting, call us. Never try to adjust them yourself